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Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

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Product Summary (Registration No.61)

Registration No.61 対州そば

Registered name (Transcription) : 対州そば(Taishu Soba)
Reference information : Taishu Buckwheat

Category of product

Class 1: Cereals (Buckwheat),
Class14: Dry Ingredients (Buckwheat Flour)

Production Area

Tsushima City, Nagasaki Prefecture

Registered Group

Taishu Buckwheat Promotion Council


Taishu Soba is a native buckwheat of Taishu (another name for Tsushima island). Compared to buckwheat produced in other production areas, Taishu Soba is flavorous and has rich texture. It also has bitterness close to the original buckwheat variety. Although each grain is small, Taishu Soba is uniformly sized and highly densed.

Link with the Production Area

Tsushima was on the route when buckwheat was first introduced from China to Japan via the Korean Peninsula, and it is considered to be the first place in Japan buckwheat was introduced. Tsushima is a remote island where there is low possibility of crossbreeding with buckwheat from other areas. In addition to this geographical condition, preservation and management of the native variety by the producers and administrators have been conducted.


Intellectual Property Division, Food Industry Affairs Bureau,
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8950, Japan
Tel: +81-3-6744-2062